Friday 15 May 2009

cake-eaters & diet-men

so myself and my mate Kt email alot, generally cos we like each other and our jobs are not that time consuming (eek hope the boss isnt reading this!) anyway throughout the course of the emails we discuss everything and mainly our love lives. its like sex and the city but we are not as sophisticated and our wardrobes are more realistic. recently i coined the phrase - CAKE EATER.

what is a cake eater you ask? well its surprisingly simple to be honest.. the men that want to have their cake and eat it too.. well they dont just want this, they expect it! these are the types of guys who want the stay at home long term girlfriend (the 'one') and should she be out of the country, they want to play away..citing that they have an agreement/ understanding with the girlfriend. these guys are dangerous, they are charming, dangerous, unattainable therefore utterly attractive. they make you feel like a million dollars and then in one breath can take it all away from you, even if you know their situation, you get pulled into it, cos you cant help it, these guys are master's at their craft. these are the guys that dont show you off to their mates, but tell you its that they want you to themselves so you dont suspect. these are the guys that somehow get you to break the girl code and intentionally hurt one of your own. these are the guys that deep deep down are lovely guys, but they are scared of being men.

just this morning i open another email from Kt and in it she has coined another phrase - DIET-MAN/MAN-LITE

now what is a diet man? well not some guy on a diet thats for sure!Kt wondered what a man-lite looks like or even does of a day? For some reason she pictured him in lots of beige and sandals, like a piece of ryevita with flora spread all over it....maybe he'd be like a super food, blue-green algae? granola with honey and yogurt, smooth, sweet and a little bit nuts?!But she begged the question, in a world becoming over-run by cake eaters where would we even know where to start to find a diet man? a diet man is the guy who treats you like a princess but isnt a sap about it. i like to think of him as a fruit salad (please excuse the gayness there...) all fruity, tangy, sweet and a little sharp therefore he would be into bright things and be all loud and confident - oh i like fruit salad guy! he is the guy who keeps you in line but never bruises you. the guy who calls you. the guy who leaves you alone when you've spent too much time together. he is not clingy. he is the guy who wants to be someone, but doesnt neccessarily know what that is, he doesnt need a concrete plan, just a feeling that he is going places. he is the guy that your mate's like. the guy that goes out with the guys, has a great time and doesnt even see the other girls in the room.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


ok i am addicted, i dont know how it happened but i am.. and its luckily nothing as dangerous as smoking crack or anything like that, its the longer more silent and ugly killer... sugar! i love the stuff. i think that i get sad when i dont eat it.... yummmy yummmy sugar snacks! there is this guy in my office who makes tasty treats all the time and then just gives them out at work. if i had to buy them perhaps i would be more hesitant to munch away but since they are free its digusting how fast and how many i can put away!todays attendants to the mouth orgasm are caramel squares, gluten free brownies, gingerbread and ginger biscuits... i have a weakness for ginger biscuits because somewhere in my head i am convinced that ginger makes your belly happy... !! so yeah today i had to have one of each and then i had about 3 more ginger bikkies.. danger danger, step away from the tupperware! this wouldnt be so bad if i wasnt working my ass off in the gym everyday trying to get fit for prague, it seems like for every one step forward there are about 3 sugar steps back. and a sugar step is way more dangerous than a normal one, dont ya know!

then to add insult to injury i think that if i dont buy the stuff then i will be eating healthy, i have frozen brocolli and spinach in my fridge, i have veggies in there too and a fruit bowl that is almost full and yet somehow the natural sugars are not enough when rob's treats are in the work canteen. generally it is a rush to the kitchen when word gets out that he has brought them in but today fiona stayed put and i really admire her strength. if only i could be so good! its jsut with getting up at 6.30, working out twice a day and eatin all the right stuff its so easy to feel the need to treat yourself every once in a while, even if that once in a while seems to be comng around more nd more often.

so next time you see me, try not to look to surprised when all the working out im doing is just keeping my head above obesity :(