Wednesday 1 April 2009

lack of a social life

so i suppose you could say the my life definitely has changed direction in the past week. im not being half arsed about this gym thing at all and im so proud of myself! im in there every morning at 73.0 slogging away and up until this morning i was doing that un guided.. but this morning i got to meet with the delish Simon my trainer. i call him mine but he is just a free service that comes with the gym, i like to think he is mine though. he is well tasty! standing about 6foot 4ish and a long lean body at that, he is fun to watch when demo-ing the moves im supposed to be concentrating on! god im such a perv! so we went through my shoulders/back/chest and arms work out this morning, have another date with him next tuesday morning for some lower limb punishment!

so the classes, yes im going twice a day! have tried spinning, havent been back since the first time. tried out the body combat class with the crazy brazilian who needed us to smile and enjoy the pain, the polish (i think) aerobics teacher who has the perfect body, im in love with her! there is another aerobics teacher who is irish and has a far more complicated routine..she is a special kind of crazy!the body pump class with the weights wasnt as bad as i thought it might be, but i defo will have to up my weights for the next class. yet to try is the step aerobics (feel the burn), the circuit training (the delish simon runs this) and im sure there are others ones out there dying to have me sweat my way through their class.. give me time! the down side of all this running, jumping and lunging is that my knees are acting up. this is not good, think i have to visit a physio to get me some industrial strength knee braces, dont want to pop a knee cap during the world cup now do i?!

speaking of the world cup we got our april training schedules yesterday.. thanks John! we got a new coach here in Dublin, Kaityln is her name. she took us for a fun training over the weekend and although the atmosphere was light hearted i think we really got to cover some really important stuff which is great. we had it in bushy park and loads of people were asking about us.. big up Ireland Lacrosse!! then last night in a bid to put a little money into the ILF we had a table quiz, i think it was a huge success. the prizes were kindly donated by ealron from bavaria (handy to have friends in the business) and pam gave away a weekend for 2 that she had won in a previous table quiz. fun was had by all, even the cheaters who won, oh yeah im being contraversial but there was plenty of texting going on.. shocking! so the figures arent in yet but fingers crossed we did good!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Becks you are my funny little Fitness Diva. Keep up the good work and I will pretend my support and encouragement is good for my own physique.