Tuesday 30 September 2008

Getting robbed,returning home and jetting off once more

the title says alot i know but alot has happened since the last time i posted... i mean right after i last posted i was unfortunatley the victim of a robbery. oh yeah i had my wallet nicked right after i left the internet cafe that housed my last post! i needed to get something whilst in New York New York but found out that it wasnt there!!! Uh Oh!!! so i legged it back to the cafe only to find out that the counter lady didnt really speak much english, great... so i freaked out understandably. calls were placed to the parents who were all worried all the way over in ireland. the credit cards were cancelled and the money lost for good...then there were telling me to talk to the police. and wierdly enough in vegas during the day there is not really a heavy police influence.. so i had only the 36 dollars that i had one in the hard rock the night over the weekend. so i had to walk all the way back there in the 100 degree heat. probably wouldnt be as bad if i headed the right way but i walked the wrong way for about an hour! and then finally i saw it in the distance and was about to head hrough a contruction site when a kindly worker told me that there was no through road.. so he gave me a lift to the hard rock whilst i told him my sorry story. then he offered to take me to the airport for free... onloy after he asked me out for a drink! but given my luck that day i thought better to wait it out in the airport! so he took me there and then showed me his gun so i was happy that i turned him down! then i spent the entire day at the airport reading some books that i had luckily bought before i was victimised. then when i got home to la guardia there was a driver organised who took me home to brooklyn where i could lick my wounds in peace. then kevin came to my rescue the next day with cash (that i have yet to pay him back....)

i went out the day i got back with katie hogan and the lax crew. headed into marquee where missy elliot had her birthday the last time she was down! we went VIP free entry free drinks and free table.. the whole bash! met some fantastic people but basically headed about getting drunk for free and then heading hom on the subway and all in all i went out for about 4 dollars!!! i love NY sometimes!

but all good things ahve got to come to an end so on the evening of the 25th i headed to JFK (nice and early) and set about getting checked in. it all seemed too easy and then reality struck and we were left on the runway for about 1.5 hours! that was not fun. especially as i was stuck with this fat guy beside me and he smelt bad and felt the need to talk to me all the time! finally i got home about 8am on the 26th of sept.

so that ends the story of NY but right when i got home there was a bbq (not int my honour) and another night in Tripod.. nothing like the familiar to get your feet back on home soil. so now to the next adventure Bahrain tomorrow at 3.30 in the afternoon. I arrive at crazy o clock in the morning and head over to skinner's house for a 10 day fun times on the island followed by 2 weeks or so in Dubai.

stay turned to see how i get on ..... im scared already~!


Monday 22 September 2008

Vegas Baby!!

so the last time i blogged i was stuck in a wierd little internet place in chinatown.. currently coming to you from Vegas Nevada..random i know but i stupidly missed my flight this morning (like by 6 minutes checkin lady was a right bitch!) so now instead of flying back to NY at 8this morning im still here and its 10.30.. oh and the best part... my flight doesnt leave this blasted place til 10pm!!! this time i will be in the airport from about 7pm just in case! god am so annoyed but atleast it got me a chance to play some slot machines in the airport and wonder of wonders i won 185 dolla on wheel of fortune! thank you kevin for introducing me to such a wonderful game.. but then i got greedy and it swallowd about 20 dolla more from me before i wrenched myself away from it! i love you wheel of fortune but you are not good for me!
so why am i in vegas?? well mr owens of the irish team fame convinced me that there would be lots of lax loving delicious men out here and what more reason did i need to visit this lawless place?! ofcourse there was lacrosse to watch and being a groupie for kevins team (wish i could remeber the team name though!!) i made all of their games. on the firday night there was the welcome party at the hardrock hotel pool which was not as exciting as i thought i would be but i got to know all the guys on the team and even went padddling in the pool for a while.. it was all pretty sedate until kevin tripped over a spotlight pole and smashed a few bottles of liquer.. they seemed ok with it though, i suppose they have seen a lot worse! there was this guy called Troy on the team (total hottie) who was the recipient of a becka face rape at the end of the evening. dont really know where it came from though, im a beast.. but he didnt seem to mind.. infact he was christened "nice guy troy" for the weekend for refusing to sleep with some random woman the night before. not sure if he liked it or not but it stuck! the next day the saturday i was feel well rough but made it out to the games to show my support and spent the day with the guys at the hard rock pool. it was such a fun day of staring and cooling off in the pool to survive the 98dfgree heat.. or did it hit past 100 that day.. can you imagine playing in that! hit the strip on the sat night but it was a little of a let down cos we were all so sick! got to see most of it though as we walked about and the highlight was the bellagio water fountain.. amazing! partied in the hard rock again that night and then i slunk off to bed in the comfort inn at some desgusting hour... not until i broke into my hotel pool and went for a swim though. i think i have a problem.. but sunday was amazing! it was a hard rock Rehab day where there is a massive party in the pool from 10am with pumping tunes and very expensive drinks! think i stayed in the pool for about 6 hours or something crazy! everytime i now close my eyes all i see is parts of the body! we totally crashed that night and i couldnt be bothered to even make it acrosse the road to my hotel (prob part of the reason that imissed my flight to be honest) watched a movie and just passed out! what a party group we were! although this is a bit of a bad end to a wicked weekend i atleast now get the chance to see more of the strip.. thinking today will be all about the rollercoaster and random attractions! this place is amazing. cheers kevin for inviting me.

oh and nice guy troy.. if im ever in Denver im SO looking you up ;)

Friday 12 September 2008

New York!

so im here in new york solo and its not as scary as i thought it would be thank god! i arrived on tuesday and spent the day wandering around just being shocked and scared but then i met Mo at T Mobile who was the first person to hit on me here and i felt just fine! I met Daniel the guy who owns the apartment in brooklyn that im renting at 7pm. he is a lovely taiwan due who attends NYU and got a place in williamsburg, closer to campus. im staying at 96th street at the end of the subway line which is fine. thought it would be worse but am now using the subway like a pro!its not that hard when the line i have to take is the R line! So the first night was a little scary because i was convinced that Daniel was going to come back into the apartment with kung fu friends and kill me. but it didnt happen and i survived! so on my second day i took myself across the city and found this camera stor run by Jewish guys that did me a great deal on a camera, with that in hand i headed to the Top of the Rock at the Rockafeller Centre, it was unreal to be that high up. i have a serious fear of heights but being up that high made me feel just lightheaded! some say its better that the empire state for the view cosyou actually see the empire state building. so after that i took myself the long way to central park and it was lovely weather, i was in my pink dress with bright green bra, pink flip flops and electric blue zip up.. quite the colourful person then and this random man spotted me and started to talk to me about NY and fashion week. now i got this weird camp vibe from him so wasnt worried talking to him. he told me that he could get me into fashion week in NY if i turned up at 7pm at the tent with my breasts totally on display and wearing makeup etc. personally i took this as a warning signal but then he and i went our separate ways and i made my way to sephora to do my face for free and then met him outside the busy fashion week tent! he gotme in, and introduced me to many famous people that i didnt recognise, even a model from americas next top model!!!! the bar was serfinv free drinks adn there were flip flps going free, a competition for a blakberry and many wannabe models! but the guy howard was is name, was being very inappropriate with talk of needing 4 men in my life, a gay guy who will always tell me the truth, a latino who will teah me to dance, a black man to (and i quote "fuck the shit out of me") and a white man to marry... it was after this that i made my escape with Bee Cee a photographer out the side entrance, pretending i needed to puke (i did a little cos of the conversation!) i didnt get to see any shows! he was such a pretender! the Bee Cee and I had a little fun posing in front of the tent and then in Times Square cos i was heading out to Long Island to party with Elaine from the Lax team. she picked me up and we headed with her flatmate to the Nutty Irishman pub. it was alot of fun until this fat american dude thought he could pick me up.... he just talked about himself for ages.... yawn!

then it was Thursday! Sept 11th. the city was in a quiet respectful mood yestterday. i didnt head down to ground zero thinking it would be disrespectful to be a tourist on a day of mouring. instead i headed to cooney island. cooney island itself it really pretty,well at least the beach is. most if not all the amusements are shut for the season. but the place is in dire need of repairs, but has some sort of charm. ruined that charm for myself my having a nathan;s famous hot dog... the guide book said they are the best in the city, as a rule i dont like them and this was no different, infact i felt so ill!!! so i headed back into manhattan thinking i would catch some comedy or something when i was attracted to Madam Toussads for the wax creations and then to Ripely's believe it or not.... got home at 10.30pm and fell straight into bed, the effect of nathan's famous dogs was making itself known!!!

today is Friday and i have spent the entire day on foot walking through lower manhattan and shed many tears at the church at ground zero,it is so touching, really brought the tradgy home. mom will be proud that i was in a church!! and then to chinatown.. but then the rain came and i hid in an internet cafe....hence why the big post

until the next rainfall

Mooncup - EP 08

SO so sorry for the lack of blogging, i have a feeling that me apologising will become quite the regular way of introducing a blog..meh what evs.. in the voice of cloudy headon bovvd?!

so EP 08 was kindof the most awesome weekend of my existence thus far.. well maybe not as good as finland but that was 12 days versus one weekend. it all started when fanny and i came home from sweden at like midnight and ellie smellie very kindly picked us up and we all headed home, stopped off at Lido for some food for becka, mmm chips! but what with it being rush hour for the scobies the chips took ages and by the time i got back to the apartment it was almost 1am! cue much talking with lucy and claudia, who was alittle drunk, i finally fell alseep at 2am.. only to get up at 6am to start the trek down to stradbally for the weekend of all weekends! it was tough but we managed to get there finally at 9.30 (there was a bit of stalling at a garage as supplies were bought) we arrived and lugged most of our stuff through the mud to the entrance and got our bands and headed straight to charlie chaplin camping site. it was the bestest of all sites, mainly cos insider knowledge (thank you skinny) told me that it was the dryest. so there we trudged with all the bavaria stuff and set up a little bavaria base. it was brilliant and we even had room for all the late comers.. who do you think that was.. only wally and buster and the lovely andrew. the weekend was full of super fun activites beyond the music, there were the costume changes, the makeups and sparkles, the sneaking in of the booze and then the comedy tent (des bishop definite highlight), because i have more patience than the others wally and i ended up spending aload oftime together. it was a lot of fun to re connect and plus the girls were just being messy most of the time and i dont know if the new more mature me could handle it! bumped in to katy finnegan a few times and saw her rock on her finger... paul nice work! didnt see alot of people to be honest, there was just so much to do and i didnt even do it all... i never made it to tir na gcasca again but cloudy did, at least she thinks she did! a complete hightlight was the burning of the tower on the last night, although it was the only time on the weekend that it rained! im sure the firmen were happy. no one else was! especially wally who finally let the alcohol get to her and didnt feel that well. luckily for her i was in teh mood to head back to the tent cos i was soaked through. note to self pennys do not have waterproof jackets! when back at the tent we had visitors... lil lucy managed to snag a certain someone from fair city and the poor guy was obsessed that someone would recognise him and she was all... oh no there are only swedish people and aussies at my camp site only for them to arrive and me to poke me head out adn yell his real name! i went to college with him! hahaha! poor guy! this year did also baost the showers again and i had a blast being all naked with random women, especially as the water was warm this year! but then it was broken on the 3rd day, the day that most people need a shower.. so we all went dirty!mmmm and you wonder why there were no great romances at these things???? the highlights musically for me were duffy, franz ferdinand, gossip and kila. there were plenty otheres that i caught but for the life of me i couldnt tell you who they were! but they were awesome!

bring on next year.. wait,where will i be?? will i fly back for it???stay tuned

Thursday 4 September 2008

Sweden...then the picnice maddness

so fanny and co. put me up for the week in sweden just outside of stockholm. it was awesome! she took me out on the town, introduced me to a load of really cool swedish girls and gals.. and then unfortunately when i was really getting to know one she felt the sickness and we had to leave.. only for her to puke in the taxi!! uh oh! the taxi driver went mental at her in swedish and i tried to stand up for her in english.. it was quite like a candid camera moment! we had gone over to her friends house for dinner and drinks and a box of wine later we were quite the pissed ladies! it was the start of the problems that night for fanny me thinks... from that night out we spent the weekend at her summer house and did everything from go karting to swimming.. and even got in a bit of water sports, her family are like the disney of swedish people! i loves them... i do not love the bugs though. there were SO MANY mossies!then the plan was to go to a fun fair but unfortunatley the summer season opening times were over so we had to spend the time doing other things like seeing the city, it was so pretty. then fanny dropped the bomb.. her birthday present to me was to take me on a booze cruise to finland! the boat was called the Cinderella adn seemed to be the It place to go if you were a senior citizen! fanny and i wrecked the gaff and somehow managed to find the nightclub on the ferry.. oh yes a night club!! there were 10 floors on this beast of boat. we were in the lowest level and it was so random the room was for 4 people and there were only 2 of us, thank god! it was tiny and by 9pm we were hammered on cheap bubbly. the next morning the sea sickness was awful! but fanny's parents gave me an illegal anti-sea sickness pill for such an eventuality....so i was fine! we flew home right after the ferry to head into a field to party for the weekend.. but more on that later
