Friday 12 September 2008

Mooncup - EP 08

SO so sorry for the lack of blogging, i have a feeling that me apologising will become quite the regular way of introducing a blog..meh what evs.. in the voice of cloudy headon bovvd?!

so EP 08 was kindof the most awesome weekend of my existence thus far.. well maybe not as good as finland but that was 12 days versus one weekend. it all started when fanny and i came home from sweden at like midnight and ellie smellie very kindly picked us up and we all headed home, stopped off at Lido for some food for becka, mmm chips! but what with it being rush hour for the scobies the chips took ages and by the time i got back to the apartment it was almost 1am! cue much talking with lucy and claudia, who was alittle drunk, i finally fell alseep at 2am.. only to get up at 6am to start the trek down to stradbally for the weekend of all weekends! it was tough but we managed to get there finally at 9.30 (there was a bit of stalling at a garage as supplies were bought) we arrived and lugged most of our stuff through the mud to the entrance and got our bands and headed straight to charlie chaplin camping site. it was the bestest of all sites, mainly cos insider knowledge (thank you skinny) told me that it was the dryest. so there we trudged with all the bavaria stuff and set up a little bavaria base. it was brilliant and we even had room for all the late comers.. who do you think that was.. only wally and buster and the lovely andrew. the weekend was full of super fun activites beyond the music, there were the costume changes, the makeups and sparkles, the sneaking in of the booze and then the comedy tent (des bishop definite highlight), because i have more patience than the others wally and i ended up spending aload oftime together. it was a lot of fun to re connect and plus the girls were just being messy most of the time and i dont know if the new more mature me could handle it! bumped in to katy finnegan a few times and saw her rock on her finger... paul nice work! didnt see alot of people to be honest, there was just so much to do and i didnt even do it all... i never made it to tir na gcasca again but cloudy did, at least she thinks she did! a complete hightlight was the burning of the tower on the last night, although it was the only time on the weekend that it rained! im sure the firmen were happy. no one else was! especially wally who finally let the alcohol get to her and didnt feel that well. luckily for her i was in teh mood to head back to the tent cos i was soaked through. note to self pennys do not have waterproof jackets! when back at the tent we had visitors... lil lucy managed to snag a certain someone from fair city and the poor guy was obsessed that someone would recognise him and she was all... oh no there are only swedish people and aussies at my camp site only for them to arrive and me to poke me head out adn yell his real name! i went to college with him! hahaha! poor guy! this year did also baost the showers again and i had a blast being all naked with random women, especially as the water was warm this year! but then it was broken on the 3rd day, the day that most people need a shower.. so we all went dirty!mmmm and you wonder why there were no great romances at these things???? the highlights musically for me were duffy, franz ferdinand, gossip and kila. there were plenty otheres that i caught but for the life of me i couldnt tell you who they were! but they were awesome!

bring on next year.. wait,where will i be?? will i fly back for it???stay tuned

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