Saturday 29 November 2008

Mumbai under siege...

just realised that this blog will come first, how and ever.. i was woken on the night of the 26th by my father at 3am worried that we were in mumbai in colaba. i as confused as we hadnt looked at the news all evening so were none the wiser about the terror attacks going on. as im sure everyone will have seen the news by now i neednt get into it but my parents wanted me home asap! wally and i were really worried about the domestic airport as there were some reports that it had been hit.. but these were quashed by the airport staff and we were safely boarding our flight some hour later than scheduled. the kingfisher staff were really nice and tried to keep everyone calm. when we arrived in mumbai we could see that there was still a major ooperatoin underway so we had to decided where to stay out of the danger. we chose near the airport and were approached by an english guy in the airport asking if he could hang with us as he was supposed to go to colaba to see a friend but obviously couldnt now. his name is Rob and was an actor so himself and wally had a lot in common, it was wierd actually how alike they are! we headed to some hotel that the airport reservaton people made us see, it was gross so we headed to the place we wanted which was lovely, a little expensive but worth it but then the ladei or should i say bitch at reception said that they were,t taking in walk ins because of the problems so we were stumped again. but she pointed usin the direction of a nearby hotel and we ended up staying there, it was a little kitchy but wa s what we needed. after heading out on a booze expedition we holed up in the hotel for the night intermiddely watching the news and commenting on how shit the indian news was.i was under extreme pressure byt the parents and family to come home and didnt know what to do, eventually in the morning i decided to stick with my original plan and head to goa.. where i am now. its really quiet here, exactly what i needed after the stress of being in the danger zone! in in anjuna at the mo where a massive market happens every wed, im going to stay here til then i think, its chlled but i havent met any other travellers yet, althought the mossies have been great and have greeted me with open mouths, the bastards!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

So glad your safe babes. Stay careful.


p.s. what's a mossie?