Thursday 11 December 2008

Goan Adventures

hey peeps i know it has been an age since i last blogged and im sure the countless people who read this (yes you arnolds!) will be interetsed to know what has been going on in the time that has elapsed... well when i last spoke i was in anjuna all alone and being eaten alive by those pesky mosquitos.. they made sweet munching love to my ankles on both feet and were so itchy for ages until i came upon a medical store with a sleeping shop assistant who woke up and gave me special indian cream that cured me, no it wasnt instant cure but it was sweet heaven compared to what i was experienceing.. i mean 10 on each ankle in the space of a few hours, no fair!

so anjuna was quiet, im in palolem now. its beautiful here. but back to anjuna, first of all i decuided to stick around for the market, which itself was a huge dissappointment, i wanted to get loads of gifts but the prices were inflated for tourists and there wasnt anything special about it, lonely planet curse strikes again. i think that anything that has been in that book should be avoided by travellers! prices are always higher in real life and everyone has been there before so there is nothing to discover~ so there i was alone in anjuna hoping to meet people like everyone said they do... i clocked this pair of girls walking tiredly acrosse the beach on my second day and they spoke english!! so i kept an eye out for them and luckily they came back and i followed them (stalket i know) into my guesthouse, i started to talk to them and then directed them to the pkace that i was staying. they only had one room left so i let emily stay in with me, ultimate act of faith i know but it all worked out in the end. so that night i met jazz and emily who were travelling on their gap year, uh oh, teenagers, but they seemed pretty chilled, hung over and generally my kind of people and with them was evan jazz's holiday romance that she hooked up with in kerala on the houseboat, how romantic?! so that night we tried to find some form of a party but the place was dead and jazz and emily were not impressed with anjuna, so after dinner and some sheesha (flavoured tobacco) we all headed dejected back to the guesthouse and just went to bed. they decided to head north the next day so my new friends were gone and i was alone again :( but this did not last long, that evening i met bommer and marni this lovely couple who were at the end of their india trip and we spent a lovely evening chatting about everything and i got the distinct impression that they needed someone new to talk to.. couples travelling together must be tough! i tell you if the couple is on the rocks travelling in india will break them! so the next day i was back to square one but not really bothered about it.. i found a place that did movies an headed there for a quiet night, this is where i bumped into grant and shawn, 2 americans who were travelling together. grant is a dancer (and not gay i think) and shawn is indian american whose family are trying to set up a marriage for him shortly! so we hung out for the evening and i didnt think i would see them again even though i told them where i would be on the beach etc, we didnt exchange numbers, i dont know mine off by heart... so the next day i didnt see them although i kept an eye out but nothing. wasnt too bothered again, headed for another movie the night after and bumped into grant there, he said he had been on the beach looking for me but was not successful... yeah right, but i let him away with it cos he was damn cute!he invited me to dinner and then drove us both on his scooter to this super rosemantic place called sublime.. there were even freaking flower petals on the table and we were tucked away in a little nook under the stars, the restaurant was open air in the jungle! we talked freely and he seemed to good to be true, a little too nice american if you catch my drift, poor boy, i probably shocked him more times than i can count! and then the thunder and lightening started... how cool i thought but he was worried about getting struck or something so we made to leave and i was laughing as the rain came spitting, it was pityful i said, this is not rain.. i was to eat my words a little while later when he dropped me off at my bike, neither of us wanted the night to end so we chatted for a bit more and thenthe heavens opened.... i was wearing contacts so i had to pause under a tree and we talked some more, even though i was in a white tee his eys didnt dfirt once, fair play to him... or was he gay.. but no second "date" was organised or anything but he did say he would see me on the beach, but this was not to be and i havent see him since... sob sob... nah it was a perfect night of fantasy.. although the fantasy would have ended a little more dramatically than me saying... i bet you'll not make it to the beach tomo.. have a nice life!!

so that was that... then it was market day!!! jazz and emily contacted me to say they were day tripping down and we met on the beach and meandered about the market. as i said above it was not that impressive! but afterwards we had dinner and then it occured tome... hey guys when is your bus.. they said 8.30 ,... it was already 9pm! so they were staying at mine then! thus ensued a lot of drinking, dancing to our own beat, jumping over the bonfire on the beach and talking about men waaaay too much. so we made it back to the guest house to dump our stuff and drunkenly the 3 of us jumped on to my moped and weaved our way to the club.. we danced the night away for about 3 hours to crappy musice but with an entry of about 1.50 euros and all drinks were free what could we do.. about 3 am i was done and rounded up the girls to start the way home, it wasnt far infact we could have walked but i had the bike and on we jumped. jazz and i came to teh same conclusion at this point... that driving topless would be better so off we bounced naked from the waist up... unfortunately people were still awake and im surprise dwe didnt get done for indiecent exposure... best bit of that night.. jazz asking me... em becks.. should i "cup you" when we saw people on the road!!

the adventures of jazz and emily continue, they came back to anjuna once more to pick me up to head to palolem but first we had to find this rave... so the night started with me deciding not to drink and scoot and off we went to 9 bar in vagator.. this little rave scene was random as hell as it ended at 10pm.. on the dot i might add. bumped into aisling from sharjah! random... the world is tiny! then we started the quest to westend where the party wass. first to the bank link, i left the bike in jazz's hands and off i trotted when i got back she was traumatised cos some indian had arrive dnad kissed her shoulder etc, whilst she was telilng me this she dropped the bike on her leg and the exhaust burned her proper! she decied to soilder on... we finally made it to the rave about an hour later, we got lost many time etc but were pround that we made it. but it was such a let down. i have been to better ones in dublin! the music sucked and the indians kept getting too close, so about 2 hours in we were done and headed home, only to get stopped by the cops... uh oh... there were 3 of us on the bike (not allowed ) none had licenses (uh oh) so they fined us 1100 rupees... but eveything in india is negoitable so after some wide eyes and useing our feminine ways we paid him 500 rupees and were off again! it was some night...
the next day we were off to palolem, it is paradise here but the adventure continus... what about our room that smells like sewage? or the fact that our one and only night out so far resulted in my flip flops getting nicked adn jazz loosing her passport and traveller cheques and all her money?! this place is alot more busy than anjuna but not at the same time.. its absolutely beautiful and i think im goin to stay here until i leave for hom on the 19th ... (7days!)

so peeps expect more random stories soon, hanging out with jazz and emily has mad life a little more dangerous! they are leaving on tuesday though, but if jazz cant get her hands on some doc about the passport she might not be allowed home, oh yeah and she is only reporting it now, it happened about a 4 days ago! i was more mad about my shoes than she was bothered about her passport.. damn hippys i tells ya!
much love xxx

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Have a good trip home my pet. And a big ol' American Merry Christmas to you!!

See you in the new year1