Sunday 13 July 2008

Here today.. gone tomo

so i quit my job!!! after 2 nights! well i had my reasons i swear. the chirpy nature i had with my previous post wa replaced with the knowledge that i would have to go back to that dump every night and deal with charlie( who is actually a bit of work and not so cheeky when he doesnt have skinny blondes hanging off him') and the 2 yannis lack of speed almost killed me. now i dont consider myself to be up myself but after 2 years of working m,ainly 2 jobs at the same time forgive me for not wanting to put in 8 plus hours for 25 yo yos. initially it seemed like fun but my god was i wrong! on my second night it was so so dead until 4 am adn then we had maybe 2 tables and they stayed until past 5.30, im not joking when i say that i came home at dawn, tired, cold and jobless. i have developed the "Ios cough' its a problem with all workers on the island because of air conditioning and standing in the draughty doorways etc. its gross, i didnt come on holiday to cough up a lung! so im again out of a job. but at least i got one anyway. ;) mainly i got a job so that i coul meet people and not have my housemate Aoife think that i was stealing her friends but after me and her trekked down to the beach the other day and had a big chat its all cool and the gang now i dont feel that i need one anymore.

today is the wet teeshirt competition down at far out beach... i thought about entering last weekend but i decided aginst it after i went down to check it out, its far too sleazy with all the men with their cameras, camera phones and even video cameras out! give me a break. the prizes are good however but im worth more than 125 yo yos and 125 yo yos of drink vouchers thank you very much! mom you would be so proud!

last night it was Jenny's birthday and we al went for dinner in Ios Club and watched the most glorious sun down ever. but that was the best part of the dinner, the food took about 2 hours to arrive and i only ordered a salad that ended up looking like a punit of cherry tomatoes and mozzerela.. think i will be making kethcup internally for some time!

day after tomo will be starting my open water divers cert (PADI) cant freaking wait!

1 comment:

Chris said...

THANK GOD you didn't do the wet t-shirt contest my little chicken!!
I would have had to fly over there and cover you right up.

No worries with the job - sounds to me like they weren't nearly worthy of you.

Have fun diving!!
