Tuesday 22 July 2008

Ios observations

here are some ios observations ... for anyone thinking of coming here ihave noticed a few things... the buses run on their own schedule and charge 1.40 for the pleasure of brining you down to the beach. but they are not normal buses.. oh no they range from mini buses to huge coaches all driven by local greckos, oh and they dont have a regular ticketing machine.. you get on the bus and then someone manages to squeeze through the crowds (they pack about 80 people into a 52 seater at least) and this person collects money from you and gives you a ticket... such a waste of paper!

you do not put your soiled toilet paper down the toilet on this island... EVER! bad things happen when you do (now is not the time to go into the "pooing in the bag" story)

there are sea urchins EVERYWHERE (although previous postings may have already suggested this)

the burgers here are not worth the effort, the meat is odd and seems to be watery or something.. perhaps i am eating dog ?? hope not! so stick to the local fast food of gyros (so so tasty) think i may have mentioned them before but again, they are chicken or pork mainly in a toasted pitta with tomatos,onions,lettuce, chips, tzaziki and mustard (yummmm) there is a place on the island called porkies ( i kid you not) and they do the BEST gyros on the island in my opinion.

there are about 30 beaches on the island, and although i have not seen even a good portion of them you should atleast break away from the main beach and try to find theodoti (you might be the only people there.. brilliant, but bring supplies in a cooler), everyone should go to manganari at least once (i have been there twice... driving really is the only option although there are buses..) i have yet to hit kalamos but word on the beach is that is beaut!

there is this old local (well he is english but has been here for 16 years) and he wants to take me around the island. but he is getting a little too attached and although he is married i dont want to tempt him with my topless sunbathing activities, plus i might bring on another heart attack!!

on the exciting news front, my roomate who had sex with a girl whilst i was in the room has gone home and im not afraid to say that i am very pleased! he bugged the crap out of me, using everyone's stuff and just being an ignorant dirtbag, dont think he washed his clothes once in the 7 weeks he was here .. gross! and to add insult to injury i have just found out that he used my towel... ALOT.. its going to the laundary in the morning, just hope im not too late and havent caught anything from it ... gross again! but in his place a couple have moved in , they are Buzz and Emma. very cute people. she is a kiwi with a crazy cork accent and he is from cork. they met in oz and are heading around the world together, how rose.. mantic?!

thats all for now folks, think im having an early night tonight if possible, just saw Hancock and was very impressed if a little saddened, everyone should see it. will smith is a legend.

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