Tuesday 30 September 2008

Getting robbed,returning home and jetting off once more

the title says alot i know but alot has happened since the last time i posted... i mean right after i last posted i was unfortunatley the victim of a robbery. oh yeah i had my wallet nicked right after i left the internet cafe that housed my last post! i needed to get something whilst in New York New York but found out that it wasnt there!!! Uh Oh!!! so i legged it back to the cafe only to find out that the counter lady didnt really speak much english, great... so i freaked out understandably. calls were placed to the parents who were all worried all the way over in ireland. the credit cards were cancelled and the money lost for good...then there were telling me to talk to the police. and wierdly enough in vegas during the day there is not really a heavy police influence.. so i had only the 36 dollars that i had one in the hard rock the night over the weekend. so i had to walk all the way back there in the 100 degree heat. probably wouldnt be as bad if i headed the right way but i walked the wrong way for about an hour! and then finally i saw it in the distance and was about to head hrough a contruction site when a kindly worker told me that there was no through road.. so he gave me a lift to the hard rock whilst i told him my sorry story. then he offered to take me to the airport for free... onloy after he asked me out for a drink! but given my luck that day i thought better to wait it out in the airport! so he took me there and then showed me his gun so i was happy that i turned him down! then i spent the entire day at the airport reading some books that i had luckily bought before i was victimised. then when i got home to la guardia there was a driver organised who took me home to brooklyn where i could lick my wounds in peace. then kevin came to my rescue the next day with cash (that i have yet to pay him back....)

i went out the day i got back with katie hogan and the lax crew. headed into marquee where missy elliot had her birthday the last time she was down! we went VIP free entry free drinks and free table.. the whole bash! met some fantastic people but basically headed about getting drunk for free and then heading hom on the subway and all in all i went out for about 4 dollars!!! i love NY sometimes!

but all good things ahve got to come to an end so on the evening of the 25th i headed to JFK (nice and early) and set about getting checked in. it all seemed too easy and then reality struck and we were left on the runway for about 1.5 hours! that was not fun. especially as i was stuck with this fat guy beside me and he smelt bad and felt the need to talk to me all the time! finally i got home about 8am on the 26th of sept.

so that ends the story of NY but right when i got home there was a bbq (not int my honour) and another night in Tripod.. nothing like the familiar to get your feet back on home soil. so now to the next adventure Bahrain tomorrow at 3.30 in the afternoon. I arrive at crazy o clock in the morning and head over to skinner's house for a 10 day fun times on the island followed by 2 weeks or so in Dubai.

stay turned to see how i get on ..... im scared already~!


1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good luck, pet. Try not to get robbed while you are there!

Will be routing for good times and fun adventures for you on this next leg of travel. Also will be envious and living vicariously through your blog - be sure to update.

Hugs and luuuuuurv