Friday 13 March 2009

keeping up with the Arnolds!

was looking through some of the blogs that im following and found myself disgruntled when people have not been updating for my enjoyment. then i thought about my recent posts and they have not been the most consistent so am going to make a concentrated effort to rectify that, although i dont think they are as much fun as they were when i was travelling....

so what has been going on in my life.. hmmm now i work for cartrawler (yawn tastic) and am busy feeling guilty for not working out enough for the prague adventure (but who wants to hear about that!) but a highlight of the past week was last night when i finally got to meet up with my mistress Mrs Arnold and have some dinner and catch the tail end of my bro's gig in sibean che on george's street... oh rebecca is this a plug for your brother's new band MoJo who play in sibean che every thursday>??? why yes it is! anyone who is in dublin and not sure what to do on a Thursday should get themselves a table in sibean che for some delish irish food and some great music. so i didnt realise it was a restaurant bar, so the idiot i am kelly and myself went and ate in CafeBarDeli 2 doors up from the place. oops. the starters were devine, mains boring and dessert.... yummy fool, which kelly had never had before (one of those things that never wuite got across the water) so we headed to see the bro afterwards and i plied the gorgeous kelly with wine at dinner, tequila in the bar in the hope of getting into her pants, but it was all in vain (that and i cant bring myself to be a lesbot.. no offence intended to all the vag lovers out there) was impressed with the place, the music and the general mood of the place, will be back there next week folks, come join me!

other than that shameless plug havent got alot going on this weekend. there might be a party i have to attend this evening, and im sure the outcome will provide many the amusing anecdotes in future posts....

but for now let me leave you with this thought.... head to george's street on a thursday to see my brother play!!!

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