Tuesday 24 March 2009

the road to Prague

ok do i have finally done it! i have joined a freaking gym.... i might have been paying membership to blasted curves for years and never gone but this is a real gym with machines to play on and its close to work so i can go in the mornings and still have time to have a leisurely shower and walk into work (yes people i am walking from now on!) i think i will be saving the moola on the car and giving the fat the heave ho! as prague draws closer i am getting the fear... the fear is not my friend, it is my motivator, i will no longer hide underneath my duvet until 8.15 in the morning and roll (literally somtimes) out of the bed and into the clothes a i find and then stumble through the house into the car to get to work. now i will be a reformed couch potatoe, i will be up at 7.15 to get to the gym for 7.30, do an hour in the gym, be it a class or some weights or the dreaded cardio..then hit the showers and meander to work and enjoy a healthy brekkie of porridge (that nukable stuff cant be good for you but it tastes yummy!) i mean i am already making my food for lunch at home, this cant be too hard... although i think trying to make a stirfry dish at 7 in the am might be my downfall so i really will have to be organised, not my best trait ;)

so im hitting my first class tonight, decided to jump into the deep end with a spinning class, i heard they hurt... ALOT... but nothing better for a wake up call, the guy who showed us around said he could do 20 minutes the first class he tried and he seemed like a fattie to me now so i have an inflated idea of what i should be able to do! oh dear! im going with the delish Kt from Tripod (although sssssssshhh its supposed to be a secret, she lives with a rake of men who would ridicule her for joining and are ridiculously competitive!)

the aim of this is to rid the body of the flab, try not to lose the boobies, and even harder, try not to become all 'strong' as my mother would say ;) watch this space!

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