Wednesday 4 March 2009

The weekend that nearly killed me

if you had asked me a while ago whether i thought a 4 day weekend was a good idea the answer would have been a resounding YES! but the reality of the situation is quite different i discovered last weekend when i finally got my wish. so i was finished work last week on the wednesday, was i polite about it, nope! made everyone super I made everyone super jealous of the entire thing mwah ha ha ha! Or so I thought…. So that night I went to get Katy from the airport and along with wally, a very fragrant lemon curd pie and some empty wine bottles rolling around in the boot off we went to offaly. We passed through the mystery toll thing on the M50 and I didn’t realise until today when I got a fine! Shocking behaviour! Anyhoo onwards into the night I drove, and I don’t like to drive in the night by the way, I keep fantasising about death, wait that’s prob not the bestest description, I tend to visualise getting smushed into strawberry jam on the motorway at night, think it might have something to do with my car being made of paper.. anyway the girls kept me occupied on the way down and we rolled into camp headon about 1am. We crept into the house like mice, or so we thought, should’ve known better. The parents we still awake so greetings were shared and them we all rolled into bed in preparation for the wedding the next day.. OH YESS… the WEDDING, the whole reason I got time off last week. Finally Katie and Paul tied the knot (they have been together for 11 years only..) so the next morning I woke up about 9.30 and had a leisurely brekkie with the girls as my dad was painting the gate (how country) and then the beautification began… showers, and spray, face painting and hair problems followed. The wedding was black tie, so glamorous! I wore a lovely gold and black number from monsoon, katy was rocking a black strapless from monsoon and wally was all provocative with her rabbit fur shawl! Basically we looked HOT. Cue my dad arriving in from the farm still filthy and it being 10 minutes until the start of the ceremony! So I left them to it and we hightailed it to the church, they somehow were only minutes behind us tho! Odd! The ceremony was lovely, there were tears and giggles and many many photos. And then it was all over (well it took about 2 hours!) next stop durrow castle to check in and grab some nibbles. The food was delish, the speachs amusing and the cake divine. We danced until 2am and then everyone hightailed it to the bar. I found myself slipping so we ladies retired to our room to prepare for day 2. the partying continued until 7am!! I went for a run in the morning (yes I am a sap) and then managed to sleep for another 3 hours after breakfast, think I had too much redbull in my system from the night before! That evening saw us all getting dolled up again for a big party Birr style, with a bbq, dj Neil and many many drinks… I might have misbehaved a smigen but it wasn’t anything I needed to worry about. The fear did not come! The next morning suddenly it was all over before we realised it.

But no sleep for the wicked… it was into the car with me and wally and we hightailed it up to Dublin. I had a lacrosse tournament all weekend and I was a little late for the first match. But I made it, felt awful but managed to win both matches! Whilst I was sweating it out on the pitch the guys from England flew over for th Ireland England match. Now not to put a dampener on the blog post but a few weeks ago my friend Andy was diagnosed with terminal brain stem cancer. He has between 9months and 2 years left and is the most positive person I have ever known. He is a hero for anyone out there in the same position. He fully intends to break the record and live for a long time. But bareing in mind that this is real life and not a Disney movie he is taking the bull by the horns and doing everything (and prob everyone) he wants to. He organised a trip over with 5 mates for the match. They stayed at mine, and no matter how knackered I was I made sure that Andy was enjoying himself! So after the match I fell in the door and they guys all greeted me, from afar though cos I prob stank! Mix of booze and sweat is never good! After a quick shower and change it was out the door to searsons for the match. All was going well even though the guys wore their English jerseys… until one trollop from about 3 people in front chucked her half pint of beer back in their direction! She didn’t really get them though just Carla, Tom’s Irish girlfriend, yeah she wasn’t impressed at all… some people! When the match was over and the English suitably ridiculed for their heritage we headed home with some booze and order 12 pizzas for 10 people!!! Oh my god I have never seen so many pizza’s in my life! Brilliant! We gorged ourselves and stil the guys managed to get quite drunk, then it was off to the club with us…

The lacrosse people were headed that direction as well for the night out and what ensued was hazy for most people, mainly the girls who woke up with permenant marker on their arms and black eyes (apparently there was a late night throw about…) it was fun to swap stories with people the next day at the final day of games, oh yeah I went out to play more lax the next morning. The guys went to wander the city intending to see my play at some stage but that didn’t work out and im kindof glad it didn’t cos we didn’t play that well the next day.. we still won the competition though! And I stuck around until after the guys match to receive the trophy, I suppose that’s what you get for bein the captain, oh yeah im the Dub Lax ladies captain, random?! so that night i was supposed to go out with the lax people again and meet all the guys on the brighton team propely and perhaps swap some spit with one of them if he got lucky but when i got home and warmed up under a shower i realised that my body was on strike! it was all i could do to keep my eyes open that evening. luckily all the guys were knackered too so it was bed early and then people left at like 4.30 am for flights aaaaaaagh. needless to say im looking forward to this weekend and all the sleeping im going to be doing.... but wait... hark i hear the song of britney teasing me with her beats... perhaps i can sleep when im dead? ;)

1 comment:

Ciaran Carroll said...

Hillariuos, Dub Lax Ladies eh ???