Tuesday 24 June 2008

Planet Love xxx

Saturday was Planet Love festival in Fairyhouse. Ellie smellie provided me, cloudy,lou lou and pam pam vip tickets for the event on the one condition that I was there at the event from 10,30am to set up a chill out area. and he was to pay me for the set up... noice! So at the unearthly hour of 9.30 in the am on a Sat I dragged myself out of bed and prepped for my day of raving. On went the electric blue eye shadow (thanks cloudy) and the slouchy hat for the "cool" effect, the blakc skinny jeans, black tank top, bavaria hoody and multi coloured boots. Now i had absolutely no idea where i was heading. i have never been to fairyhouse before. after a number of phonecalls home to my mammy and some guessing i made it to the racecourse, parked the car in the staff car park, looked important and stepped out into the drizzle. it was freaking freezing!! cue many texts to the girls advising them to being extra clothes. i trapsed back adn forth acrosse the festival to get everything set up, discovered that all the event staff are sponges to the extreme and that hoodys are not waterproof. finally the girls showed up and the festival opened.. granted an hour and a half late! Planet Love is a dance music festival. i have never seen so much butt cheek on display that wasnt my own! ;) the fashion seemed to be neon tiny skirts and matching furry leg warmers with false eye lashes to match. bizarre! the girls were mainly in great shape but the knack boys were just young and spotty... how they ever get laid is thanks to alot of booze ;) there were 7 different djs playing at any given time and we were even photographed for the Star, but i doubt you will see it cos we are all branded for bavaria adn there are some laws about that... yawn. we managed to stick it out will 7pm but by that time the weather had gotten worse, the festival was one massive mud pit, the thumping music all sounded the same and the amusements and fairground activities were dangerous looking. after the girls became mutinous i took us all home, not before i made everyone strip before getting in the car ;) we made it home tired, wet and cold, cracked open a bottle of wine and pam disappeared to run some errand but she came back for more wine after snotting herself off her bike in a luas track...classy! didnt make it out that night understandably ;) verdict on planet love??? leave it to the knackers and stay home where its dry and warm ;)

Thursday 19 June 2008

26 peaks in 4 days

SarahJane was the nutter who decided to join the army after boarding school.. you'd think she would've had enough of the routine scene but no, i think the girl gets off on it a little or something! so after careful consideration.. ie pros of joining the army were the hot guys and the cons of joining the army was having to cut her hair (almost swayed the arguement there!!) she upped and left the rest of us to our college partying and went running every morning evening and night and managed to run on a broken leg for about 2 months..oh yeah she be crazy. but now with a degree under her belt you would think she would calm the f*&k down.. nope! herself and her mates with her wonderful sis driving them are attempting to do 26 peaks in 4 days. she proudly told me that it was like running 4 marathons in 4 days! so last friday i popped down to see her and give my support to her crazy scheme. its all in aid of Aids charity so its worth it, if a little nuts. i want to publically give my support. its a great idea and i completely respect her for wanting to go through with it.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Suspects Blitz

So Saturday 14th of June saw the motely crew of Keily's Kegs bravely step out to Mary's park for a full day of exercise,jelly shots from 10.00 am and general ass whooping from the other teams that all seem to be rocking the matching uniforms style..strange. The kegs arrived in dribs and drabs each more hungover than the next. I had travelled up from Kilkenny that morning after a night out (such dedication), I was feeling a little special to say the least. Somehow I managed to be one of the first reps of the Kegs to arrive...weird.The morning sessions were quite embarassing..well they would be if we werent so happy everytime we actually connected with the ball ;) we consistently lost every match that morning and then after a power lunch of some enchanced tuna sandwiches something strange happened.. we started to win! now it might have been the arrival of the wonderful peter the pitcher but i doubt it, although he will lay claim to our victories without blinking! i made some pretty amazing catches and even managed a little flirting on the side..shocker ;) inbetween matches the kegs amused themselves in the rain with some throwing and catching of the rugby ball, we are such jocks! although we didnt make it to any sort of a final or anything close a fun day out was had by all... even bash who managed to work on his tan a little whilst sitting under the trees ;)

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Tasty Dublin...mmmmmmm

Thursday, Friday Saturday and Sunday of last weekend saw the taste of Dublin happening in the Iveagh Gardens in fair aul Dublin town just off Harcourt street... now last year i couldnt get off my arse to attend this delicious and amazing event but this year i made it. i moonlight as a promotions company sometimes for my good friend mr. bavaria ealron so this year i provided him with staff for his bavaria stand and for tipp water aswell. on saturday evening at about 8.30pm i rocked up to the gardens with my good lil flatmate "liability lucy" to have a gander at what was on offer..and my goodness but there was a lot going on, from bavaria to champers to organic fish and authentic thai food this festival had everything.. even a live band and a swanky vip area. if you can imagine a perfect summer evening with soft jazz music floating through crowds of yummy mummys and well dressed youngsters all indulging in the delights on offer then you will almost understand what the atmosphere was like in there. they even had (real) celebrity chefs giving presentations...awesome! the best part of the taste festvial... the black market of trading that was going on. unfortunately i had to go and cover skinny's shift in tripod that night so i couldnt really indulge too much, although note to self being semi drunk whilst at work in a nightclub is super fun!! so on sunday after i had surfaced finally from my hungover state myself and the lovely katie from tripod strolled on in to the taste... mmmmm nothing like a plate of scampi to rid you of the fear! but this time i was clever and threw on a bavaria top and apron, packed 6 bottles of beer into my apron and meandered across the festival bringing back delicious food for the rest of staff and mmm much champers... dont think i have ever had such a fun sunday.. it came to quickly but suddenly it was dark and we were left inside the gardens as everyone loved us cos we gave them beer (people are so easily bought!) now we werent alone, there were plenty of staff there adn then it all got a little messy... sasha and i tried to do fiftys style dancing but he kept dropping me..then we were all topless running around like loonie toons... you get the picture! it was at that point that we sloped off home, this guy darren was trying to be on me and get me to come to a poitron party but wally wasnt feeling the may west so i respectfully declined ;) thank god!

bring on next year......

Friday 13 June 2008

Gym Etiquette

Inorder to be in shape for the annihilation that will be the Irish debut in Finland I have been discovering the hidden jewels of the gym. Gym? yes you heard it here, lazy moi is dragging her ass to the gym every day where possible to engage in such attractive activities as; running so hard my glasses steam up (i really must get some more contacts) lifting weights designed for new-borns and interrupting sweaty men in the middle of their workout to ask idiotic questions... oh yes becka in the gym is quite the spectator sport ;) dont you just hate when you are dying, pushing yourself that extra mile or so and then you happen to make the mistake of looking to your left and there is this slimmer, smaller, more pert (generally a better version) of you running faster than you, for longer than you and somehow sweating way less then you. its times like that that i take another peek.. this time in the chest area and more often than not i will feel better immediately, there is rarely another woman on the treadmill who looks better than me, runs faster than me.. and has a better rack than me!!! Remember all you curvy ladies out there.... there is ALWAYS a silver lining!

Thursday 12 June 2008

Keggies win AGAIN!

Yesterday evening in the miserable summer rain (also commonly known as the Irish Summer) the Keggies faced the Suspects in a cup match. Things looked a little dodge early in the day when Mike couldnt find enough people available to play, but luckily Sarah pulled Collette out of the bag and forced her to leave her children sleeping in the car whilst she played.. thats dedication! The rain wasnt all bad... atleast it kept the millions of insects away, although Bash kindly took care of the other million or so by continually running with his mouth open and constantly swallowing the bastards! After some serious fielding by yours truely (once) and some serious hitting by all, Keggies dominated the game ending with a comfortable 27-16! Im so going to miss my softball team when im in Greece. Who else is going to keep Peter in line when he shoots his mouth off?! ;)

Wednesday 11 June 2008

The Apprentice

So Ireland has caught on to the Apprentice bug. TV3 will be showing the Irish version with Bill Cullen (owner and chairman of Renault) as the man to impress. My sister said I should apply and I did for the craic. I mean i filled in the online form without putting too much thought into it, and now the apprentice team has emailed me looking for my full cv! dear god what have I gotten myself into?! So fingers crossed, watch this space and we'll see what happens.

On other news I went to see Iron Man last night.. my god, thought it was going to be absolutely crappy but it was amazing. I highly recommend going to see it. Robert Downey Jr is fantastic!

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Attack of Mason

So yesterday evening the Dublin Ladies lax plus some of the UCD team plus some randomers who had never picked up a stick before faced off against George Mason College ladies..first off Pamela and I knew we were in trouble cos they all wore matching uniforms and kit (danger danger..) luckily we didnt exactly embarass ourselves there and then as by some divine intervention both Pam Pam and I were wearing white tees and blue shorts. Now this might seem insignificant to anyone else but when the two of us were faced with a bus full of fit,super attractive, clearly skillfully superior lax players you have to hold on to every dignity! Apparently we looked the part at least, hurdle no1 taken care of. They were very kind to lend us a goalie - Meg (em.. all American team player of the year no less) and Brook (plays for the Canadian team) they took the fact that we are total beginners on the chin and got stuck in. At one point we were even ahead (dont know how that happened exactly) but at the end of the day they totally owned us! Luckily we were prepared for such an eventuality and enjoyed ourselves all the same. Highlights? Pamela scored! I attempted to crease roll and although the goalie blocked it I had the pleasure in finding out at the bar later that i gave her one hell of a bruise! I got hit in the head with the ball.. that was more ridiculous that super painful, and got to get rough for the first time in an all female lax game. I think Finland is going to be some shock.. we Irish have got to tap into our inner rage-lords and not be afraid to put some Swede on their ass, god knows they'l do the same to us!

So after the game we all headed out to Q-Bar..a questionable spot no doubt but the Mason team were staying in Jurys in the the IFSC so it seemed like a good option. There was drinking (not me though I was driving..Saint Rebecca) and dancing and general trash talking where Pamela and I shocked the Yanks with our revelations that we Irish dont have a lax coach, full team and just picked up the sport in the last 9 months - year ago and we will be representing our country in Finland ( I think they were jealous about that..) 1am we all trouped back to their hotel.. they had a curfew for christs sake! 3am rolls in and after exhausting my library of smut for the evening Pamela and I headed home...Im paying for my late night this morning in work but I think it was worth it.

Thanks Mason, both for the game and for all the gear! Sa...weeet!

Monday 9 June 2008

20 days til departure....

Right, not sure how to start this, not sure if its a clever idea to do this. I blame you Chris and Kelly! I may talk to you pair every other day but I still get a kick out of reading your blogs. And because Im crazy competitive I want in on the fun.

On the 30th of June I will be leaving this fine country (Ireland) and heading off to Ios in Greece for July. Im a little scared and alot excited. Im flying solo on this mission which is not something Mammy Headon is too pleased with but luckily she cant stop me anymore... freedom is mine. nah only joking..love ya ma! Will be flying to Gatwick and then onto Athens where I will then jump on a sweaty bus and get to the port of Pireas where I will have a day to fart arse about cos clever me booked her flights before checking with the ferry times so I will miss the only ferry that day. Meh whatever I have a semi safe (100% safe mammy I swear!) hotel room where I will enjoy the luxury of flushing the toilet (Greek islands are horribly underplumbed) and hopefully a bed without mites, fingers crossed. Then on the 1st of July I will get a fast ferry for 3 hours at 7am and be in Ios at about 10.15am... the other option is to get a ferry at 8pm that will be alot cheaper but will take 11hours (they tell you 8hours but they were lying) and I have taken that one before but by God it is not something I want to experience again any time soon! Once off the ferry I will be (hopefully) greeted by a member of the Purple Pig hostel and be brought down to the beach. I have booked 3 nights in this hostel to give me a chance to find my feet and get a job etc. Plus a mixed dorm in a hostel is a great way to meet other solo travellers. Again Mammy Headon was not too pleased at the thought of her darling daughter sharing a dorm with boys but again she couldnt do much about it! Oh how I am revelling in the fear of it all! So the plan peeps is to rock on up to a bar called Satisfaction (how fitting) and talk to Yanis and convince him to hire me...should be grand, I mean if it all goes to pot then I'll just have a sun holiday and come home with my tail between my legs :(

Now for those that know me know that I have been honoured with the chance of playing for my country in Lacrosse in Finland in August. Now you all might be questioning why I have decided to spend the month before the competition sunning myself in Greece instead of attending training sessions... well there is method to my maddness... see it will be at least 30+degrees every day in Ios and my thought process is that if I can run in that heat then the heat in Finland in the middle of a punishing match will not be my downfall. I may not have the skill of the other players (I only took up the sport last October) but I will be as fit at least!