Tuesday 10 June 2008

Attack of Mason

So yesterday evening the Dublin Ladies lax plus some of the UCD team plus some randomers who had never picked up a stick before faced off against George Mason College ladies..first off Pamela and I knew we were in trouble cos they all wore matching uniforms and kit (danger danger..) luckily we didnt exactly embarass ourselves there and then as by some divine intervention both Pam Pam and I were wearing white tees and blue shorts. Now this might seem insignificant to anyone else but when the two of us were faced with a bus full of fit,super attractive, clearly skillfully superior lax players you have to hold on to every dignity! Apparently we looked the part at least, hurdle no1 taken care of. They were very kind to lend us a goalie - Meg (em.. all American team player of the year no less) and Brook (plays for the Canadian team) they took the fact that we are total beginners on the chin and got stuck in. At one point we were even ahead (dont know how that happened exactly) but at the end of the day they totally owned us! Luckily we were prepared for such an eventuality and enjoyed ourselves all the same. Highlights? Pamela scored! I attempted to crease roll and although the goalie blocked it I had the pleasure in finding out at the bar later that i gave her one hell of a bruise! I got hit in the head with the ball.. that was more ridiculous that super painful, and got to get rough for the first time in an all female lax game. I think Finland is going to be some shock.. we Irish have got to tap into our inner rage-lords and not be afraid to put some Swede on their ass, god knows they'l do the same to us!

So after the game we all headed out to Q-Bar..a questionable spot no doubt but the Mason team were staying in Jurys in the the IFSC so it seemed like a good option. There was drinking (not me though I was driving..Saint Rebecca) and dancing and general trash talking where Pamela and I shocked the Yanks with our revelations that we Irish dont have a lax coach, full team and just picked up the sport in the last 9 months - year ago and we will be representing our country in Finland ( I think they were jealous about that..) 1am we all trouped back to their hotel.. they had a curfew for christs sake! 3am rolls in and after exhausting my library of smut for the evening Pamela and I headed home...Im paying for my late night this morning in work but I think it was worth it.

Thanks Mason, both for the game and for all the gear! Sa...weeet!

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