Tuesday 17 June 2008

Tasty Dublin...mmmmmmm

Thursday, Friday Saturday and Sunday of last weekend saw the taste of Dublin happening in the Iveagh Gardens in fair aul Dublin town just off Harcourt street... now last year i couldnt get off my arse to attend this delicious and amazing event but this year i made it. i moonlight as a promotions company sometimes for my good friend mr. bavaria ealron so this year i provided him with staff for his bavaria stand and for tipp water aswell. on saturday evening at about 8.30pm i rocked up to the gardens with my good lil flatmate "liability lucy" to have a gander at what was on offer..and my goodness but there was a lot going on, from bavaria to champers to organic fish and authentic thai food this festival had everything.. even a live band and a swanky vip area. if you can imagine a perfect summer evening with soft jazz music floating through crowds of yummy mummys and well dressed youngsters all indulging in the delights on offer then you will almost understand what the atmosphere was like in there. they even had (real) celebrity chefs giving presentations...awesome! the best part of the taste festvial... the black market of trading that was going on. unfortunately i had to go and cover skinny's shift in tripod that night so i couldnt really indulge too much, although note to self being semi drunk whilst at work in a nightclub is super fun!! so on sunday after i had surfaced finally from my hungover state myself and the lovely katie from tripod strolled on in to the taste... mmmmm nothing like a plate of scampi to rid you of the fear! but this time i was clever and threw on a bavaria top and apron, packed 6 bottles of beer into my apron and meandered across the festival bringing back delicious food for the rest of staff and mmm much champers... dont think i have ever had such a fun sunday.. it came to quickly but suddenly it was dark and we were left inside the gardens as everyone loved us cos we gave them beer (people are so easily bought!) now we werent alone, there were plenty of staff there adn then it all got a little messy... sasha and i tried to do fiftys style dancing but he kept dropping me..then we were all topless running around like loonie toons... you get the picture! it was at that point that we sloped off home, this guy darren was trying to be on me and get me to come to a poitron party but wally wasnt feeling the may west so i respectfully declined ;) thank god!

bring on next year......

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