Wednesday 18 June 2008

Suspects Blitz

So Saturday 14th of June saw the motely crew of Keily's Kegs bravely step out to Mary's park for a full day of exercise,jelly shots from 10.00 am and general ass whooping from the other teams that all seem to be rocking the matching uniforms style..strange. The kegs arrived in dribs and drabs each more hungover than the next. I had travelled up from Kilkenny that morning after a night out (such dedication), I was feeling a little special to say the least. Somehow I managed to be one of the first reps of the Kegs to arrive...weird.The morning sessions were quite embarassing..well they would be if we werent so happy everytime we actually connected with the ball ;) we consistently lost every match that morning and then after a power lunch of some enchanced tuna sandwiches something strange happened.. we started to win! now it might have been the arrival of the wonderful peter the pitcher but i doubt it, although he will lay claim to our victories without blinking! i made some pretty amazing catches and even managed a little flirting on the side..shocker ;) inbetween matches the kegs amused themselves in the rain with some throwing and catching of the rugby ball, we are such jocks! although we didnt make it to any sort of a final or anything close a fun day out was had by all... even bash who managed to work on his tan a little whilst sitting under the trees ;)

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