Thursday 19 June 2008

26 peaks in 4 days

SarahJane was the nutter who decided to join the army after boarding school.. you'd think she would've had enough of the routine scene but no, i think the girl gets off on it a little or something! so after careful consideration.. ie pros of joining the army were the hot guys and the cons of joining the army was having to cut her hair (almost swayed the arguement there!!) she upped and left the rest of us to our college partying and went running every morning evening and night and managed to run on a broken leg for about 2 months..oh yeah she be crazy. but now with a degree under her belt you would think she would calm the f*&k down.. nope! herself and her mates with her wonderful sis driving them are attempting to do 26 peaks in 4 days. she proudly told me that it was like running 4 marathons in 4 days! so last friday i popped down to see her and give my support to her crazy scheme. its all in aid of Aids charity so its worth it, if a little nuts. i want to publically give my support. its a great idea and i completely respect her for wanting to go through with it.

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