Monday 7 July 2008

etiquette in the bedroom

So sharing a room with a boy, well 2 boys now is not exactly what its cracked up to be. boys are disgusting!! my god! so cahill comes home the other morning from wirk with a girl.. uh oh.. i got up to pee and met her. so they knew i was there... i then went to bed but forgot where my ear plugs were, big mistake. the beds in the room squeak, something shocking. so i had a lovely hour of moaning, squeaking and general sex noises. luckily i couldnt see anything because of a combination of not wearing my specs and having my bed tucked behind the couch. but yeah he managed to help her climax 8 freaking times!! i was mentally applauding him whilst willing him to stop. but then she ruined it for him by saying that her record was 16 times! 16 times in the one session! dear god she is a machine. that was the funny part. the not so funny part was me hearing it all and feeling part of the session, so much so that i had to tell the others and then cahill got really mad at me later on, the cheek of him really! but the iceing on the cake was when i went into the loo the next day and saw that he had attempted to flush the condom (at least they were safe ;) _ but eeeeuuuuuwww. plus he hasnt washed his sheets since or even remade his bed,..,. double gross. the others are sweet to live with but cahill is like a child you have to explain everything to him in simple language. its an uphill battle for sure. i mean i dont really have a problem with the concept of bringing someone home even though i would never do it, but i had to sit him down and tell him how to handle things and to be respectful of both me and her. no wonder they call me momma becks here!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

If he got upset about you telling your house-mates imagine how he'll feel about being a blog post. lol!!
