Monday 9 June 2008

20 days til departure....

Right, not sure how to start this, not sure if its a clever idea to do this. I blame you Chris and Kelly! I may talk to you pair every other day but I still get a kick out of reading your blogs. And because Im crazy competitive I want in on the fun.

On the 30th of June I will be leaving this fine country (Ireland) and heading off to Ios in Greece for July. Im a little scared and alot excited. Im flying solo on this mission which is not something Mammy Headon is too pleased with but luckily she cant stop me anymore... freedom is mine. nah only ya ma! Will be flying to Gatwick and then onto Athens where I will then jump on a sweaty bus and get to the port of Pireas where I will have a day to fart arse about cos clever me booked her flights before checking with the ferry times so I will miss the only ferry that day. Meh whatever I have a semi safe (100% safe mammy I swear!) hotel room where I will enjoy the luxury of flushing the toilet (Greek islands are horribly underplumbed) and hopefully a bed without mites, fingers crossed. Then on the 1st of July I will get a fast ferry for 3 hours at 7am and be in Ios at about 10.15am... the other option is to get a ferry at 8pm that will be alot cheaper but will take 11hours (they tell you 8hours but they were lying) and I have taken that one before but by God it is not something I want to experience again any time soon! Once off the ferry I will be (hopefully) greeted by a member of the Purple Pig hostel and be brought down to the beach. I have booked 3 nights in this hostel to give me a chance to find my feet and get a job etc. Plus a mixed dorm in a hostel is a great way to meet other solo travellers. Again Mammy Headon was not too pleased at the thought of her darling daughter sharing a dorm with boys but again she couldnt do much about it! Oh how I am revelling in the fear of it all! So the plan peeps is to rock on up to a bar called Satisfaction (how fitting) and talk to Yanis and convince him to hire me...should be grand, I mean if it all goes to pot then I'll just have a sun holiday and come home with my tail between my legs :(

Now for those that know me know that I have been honoured with the chance of playing for my country in Lacrosse in Finland in August. Now you all might be questioning why I have decided to spend the month before the competition sunning myself in Greece instead of attending training sessions... well there is method to my maddness... see it will be at least 30+degrees every day in Ios and my thought process is that if I can run in that heat then the heat in Finland in the middle of a punishing match will not be my downfall. I may not have the skill of the other players (I only took up the sport last October) but I will be as fit at least!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yay!! A Becka-blog!!
Proud of you, my sweets, for blogging, for making the Irish team, for your solo summer travels. Too bad I finally have a job or I could go out and mamma you for a week or two to make Barbara feel a bit better. Stop antagonizing her!!
